Analysis, Visualization, Storytelling

All in One Seamless Experience

Reveal Insights Easily

Upload your data and
easily uncover patterns, trends, and insights without using pivot tables or formulas.

Reclaim Your Time

Effortlessly switch between exploring data and
presenting it, saving time
and boosting clarity.

Wow Your Audience

Engage your audience
with cinematic data
stories that create a
shared understanding.

Our Community is Already

Busy Building With Us


I find Vizzu very amazing. All the data that I measure are in a state of flow. Vizzu helps me to animate it, so I can explain very complex processes that are always in motion and accompany the audience in understanding how the data are related to each other.

Raphael Attié
Solar Physicist
George Mason University, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center


It was a wow! Vizzu’s presentations fit our brains better. If you choose the right animation, you can convey more message than with static slides.

Antonio Cuni
Principal Software Engineer
Anaconda Inc.


The seamless transitioning between charts is very powerful, and with it helps storytelling, especially when you present to a less data oriented audience. Vizzu proposes visualizations for your dataset, which saves a lot of time.

Ritchie Vink
CEO & Co-Founder
Polars Inc.


Vizzu is really filing a gap in terms of unlocking the time dimension through animations - something that no other comparable tool does out of the box!

Dénes Csala
Senior Consultant
Infosys Consulting, Lancaster University
Anaconda logoGeorge Mason University logosnowflake logoStreamlit logoInfosys logopolars logoMoxe logoNumFocus logo

Have a Dialogue with Your Data

Insights Unfold as You Explore

Analyze Your Data Visually

Vizzu transforms data analysis into a fully visual experience. Aggregate, sort, filter, compare, drill down, and check cross-metrics intuitively with seamless, animated transitions.

Craft Engaging Data Stories

Vizzu automatically turns your thought process into a sequence of slides with engaging, animated transitions, elevating your data storytelling to new heights.

Share & Discuss Insights

Share your data stories online or present them live. Vizzu facilitates discussions by enabling you to seamlessly switch between presenting and editing to answer questions on the spot. Turn your presentation into an interactive discussion.

Get Started
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Vizzu's open-source data presentation tools for animated data stories are already being used by thousands all around the globe.
ipyVizzu logo
Build charts in Jupyter Notebook and similar environments with a simple Python syntax
Discover ipyVizzu
Vizzulib logo
It is a Javascript/C++ library for animated data visualizations and data stories
Discover Vizzulib